Emergency Wedding...OH MY!

On Saturday, September 18th, I was sitting in my home office editing, editing, editing! I had a LONG to do list in front of me and knew I had to get a large amount of it done. About 12:45pm, I received a facebook message from a friend letting me know that she just saw that a friend of hers is looking for a wedding photographer for 2pm! After chatting with the original photographer, I headed to Lincoln and shot a very impromptu shoot. We didn't have as much time as everyone would have liked since I wasn't able to get to the church until an hour after photos were to begin. But, we did what we could, and the bride and groom had great friends who stepped up in high gear! Here are a few of my favorites:

Though, I am hoping to not have to do such an important shoot on the fly again, I am so happy I was able to help out this gracious couple. Congrats to Aimee & Clint!


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