Did you know that less than 1% of all water on Earth is usable by humans?

That means if the world's water fit into a bucket, only one teaspoon would be drinkable! Because clean water is a limited resource, and is expensive to process for safe drinking, it's important to reduce our use of water. This will also save money and help create a sustainable future for our world.

Here are some great water-conserving tips that you can implement today:

· Use a water-efficient shower head
· Opt for a shower over a bath, as it uses half the water
· Shorten your shower by a minute or two
· Turn off the water while shaving your legs
· Run your dishwasher and clothes washers when they are full and save up to 1,000 gallons a month!
· Wash dark clothes in a cold wash and rinse
· Use a front load washing machine, as they use less water and electricity than top load washers
· Only pre-rinse dishes with older models of dishwashers. New models can clean food away and sanitize in one step
· If washing dishes by hand, use one side of the sink to wash and the other to rinse. Don't let the water run
· Never pour chemicals down drains or flush medicine down toilets
· Water your lawn in the late night or early morning hours
· Use a timer on your sprinkler to avoid over watering
· Plant native plants, as they will thrive under the natural weather patterns

Now when you drink a nice glass of clean, cold water, you can be confident that you are being responsible by conserving this essential resource.


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